We thought we would kick off the Classic & Custom blog with a post introducing ourselves, C&C and what we're all about. We will regularly update this space with stories on our latest adventures, including gigs, road trips, updates on our projects and more, so be sure to check back regularly and keep up to speed!

Why C&C?

Classic & Custom started as a hobby during the Corona Virus lockdown when we decided to buy and fix up and sell a classic 1966 Ford Mustang 289 Coupe for some fun after work hours; as we are both creative minds and work in a marketing background, naturally, this little project turned into something bigger, and the ideas kept coming.

We quickly incorporated our love for music, particularly drums and guitars, and started bringing them in to sell (and play a little, too!).

And the bikes are the cherry on top; the pure experience and culture that comes with bikes pairs perfectly with American Muscle and music!

We decided that we could use our existing skills, pair them with our passions, and turn them into a unique business for the culture and the soul.

Where we are now

Classic & Custom is a fully realised marketer and seller of all things Cars, Bikes, Guitars and Drums (CBGD), only stocking and selling the best in quality and enjoyment factor. We only stock the stuff we love and use our many years of marketing experience to help our customers sell their vehicles too.

Our home, based in Essex, UK is a playground of everything we love; come check it out to try out our latest instruments, view our bikes and maybe a couple of our cars! We welcome all to visit us for a chat and a drink; get in touch, and we will be here.

We hope you join us for the ride, bookmark our website to keep up with the latest stock and blog posts we have and follow us on socials for a snapshot of the latest C&C updates!

For the love, the culture and the soul.

- Dom & Steve

Since 2020
Unit C40, Colchester, Essex